Whatever it takes me...
I just woke and was just another day another morning when beds sing's the morning song of every things it's gonna be alright.What was aligned in mind was how these beautiful creatures can bond with nature to tell the story of how the day would be, if they Sings it means it's a sunny day if they keep silent means it's a cloudy day if the storms approach they fly road in certain direction with pecks to indicate the detection of storm direction.As human being I realised fact that we are all connected with nature but based on experience we interacted with uprise's ignores within us.We allows life to take us whatever it takes us.It happen in the same way with our body parts they are connected in one to tell you how you feel about certain types of every direction you take in life,it might be to socialize or self discovery, always they speak with mind to tell you the story behind what you don't out reach with your I sight.It takes time but all you need is silence to lessen!