My Belief
A true Christian is one who is a follower of Jesus Christ. As Christians we believe John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life."
Being human we are flawed - we all fall short of his glory. We are not saved by any action or deed on our part but by his grace and mercy. By his wounds we were healed. He took our place on that cross. He suffered not for anything he did but for mankind's shortcomings.
People have free will. You don't have to believe or accept, you get to choose whether to accept him as Savior and believe or not - it is your choice.
I believe a relationship with Christ is the most personal and intimate relationship one can one knows our hearts, our minds or beings as He does. To be a Christian one must be Christ like. Jesus loved all...he was a man that people were drawn to - not because of his outer beauty but by his kindness and goodness. Jesus loved all. He loved and accepted those that society turned their backs upon. Lepers, prostitutes, those struggling in the world - he was there for them. He was compassionate and caring.
He also was a servant - he washed his disciples and others feet. He obeyed God...he was human and didn't want to face what he knew he must - he prayed in agony and said "thy will be done." He was honest, a patient teacher who understood what people go through. On the cross he asked God to "forgive them for they know not what they do."
As Christians we should mirror his loving, kind, forgiving those who have hurt us, be accepting of all, serve our fellow man, and it's not for us to judge others. Stand up for the wrongs that we see, to speak out for those in need. To protect those who need protection. To be honest, caring and compassionate. There are truly kind and good decent people in this world that help others every single day. Does that make them a Christian? No, it makes them good people. A true Christian accepts Christ as their Savior and invites him in to their heart. The only way to the Father is through the Son. Being flawed he is our bridge and grace to being welcomed home at the end of our journey.
Did he come down from his throne in a flash of lightning and in some magnificent manner? No, he came as a baby in a manger. I have to say the band downhere sums the gift of Christ beautifully in the song "How Many Kings":
"would you believe after all we've projected a child in a manger?
Lowly and small, the weakest of all
Unlikeliest hero, wrapped in his mother's shawl
Just a child
Is this who we have waited for?
'Cause how many kings step down from their thrones
How many Lords have abandoned their homes?
How many greats have become the least for me?
And how many gods have poured out their hearts
to romance a world that is torn all apart?
How many fathers gave up their sons for me?