I would use plants to change the world. I think that every city should have a garden which is tended to by everyone in the community. Now, know what you're thinking. There are so many problems with that. Who would actually tend to the garden? That's expensive. where would you put it? But please hear me out on this one. Plants can solve several problems.
1) Food shortages. All across the globe, there are food shortages. With a garden growing food, especially if it is a greenhouse and grows year-round, all sorts of civilians would get the food that they need.
2) Obesity. America, as a whole, is fat. Some embrace it and some are appalled by it. But one way to help with the health crisis is through eating fresh food that is good for you.
3) Health in general. People need to be healthy and eat food that is good for their bodies and mind.
4) Community. A community has to come together and work with one another to keep the garden well-run. It would stir up pride, teach hard work, and bring people closer.
5) Global Warming. Global warming can also be reduced by a large number of plants, pollution would improve as well.
I understand that there are problems with the plan, but there are solutions.
1) People taking care of the garden. If you want to use the garden, you must help in the garden for at least 30 minutes. There would be people there to regulate the garden though.
2) Pricing. There would have to be a community effort given in order to create it.
3) Globalization. Getting it to other countries would be a slight problem and one that I am not sure how to solve. Any ideas?
What do you guys think?