Lost In Arrival
Women across the world suffer from decisions that they have to make.
From moving out of an abusive relationship to hoping "It's just a stomach ache".
We are not perfect and life is hard without us.
When that child is born, it's "mom" they always trust.
Dad can run and start over if it seems to be wrong. But women have to endure it their whole life long. Yes, All lives matter. No matter their breed or color. But if a woman was raped, please have sympathy for the mother. Because what you fail to realize, and I have been told so many times...is when that baby is born, THEIR face is HIS face embedded in their minds. Having to re-live that pain through the love you have for your child, is a hell presented with roses, served on a hot plate but mild. So again I say, it's a decision that a women have to make. Is it fair for the child that started as a stomach ache?