Sleep, not spanish
Exhausted, Peter sat down and leaned back on the very comfy couch. He was on his field time, school just got out and he had time off work. The exams were done, all three were due on midnight this last sunday. Peter finished them all before the weekend and just relaxed. Once he heard from his teacher that he had gotten passing grades on all three of his graduate classes, he left town. He flew by airplane and visited his brother's family in another state. He thought it would be fun dealing with all the kids, four in total, all under the age of five. No. Maybe. It was certainly exhausting.
They had just gotten back from the zoo, he went with his sister-in-law and the four kids. They had spent most of the day their while his younger brother was at dental school in washington. They only just got back about an hour ago and needed to nap. He needed to nap.
His brother finished up from school, he had a test that he did well on, and was back home early. So everyone, but Peter went to go to a park. Peter stayed to study his french. He had started to study French in college because it was something nice that the girls liked, it made dating easier. However, now he wished that he had done a more useful language like Spanish. Hardly anyone in the states used French. Spanish would have been the language to do. But, he was to far in, the cost would be too great, so he kept on trying to learn French. In total, he only got about three girls to date him because of the French. Three out of five was not that bad.
The others left at about 3:00 pm, he slapped on the couch at about 2:58 pm. "Goodbye, the kids yelled at him. He yelled bye back in reply. Then he got his phone out and started to learn French. It was an older phone, and cheaper, he did not like paying for overpriced stuff so Apple products were a no-no on his list. He found the app and got it up, the yellow loading screen lasting a bit longer than it normally did. He did not like waiting. So, while it was loading, he tossed it on the couch beside him and closed his eyes.
"We're back, yelled the kids as they jumped on him." Peter only had time to open his eyes before the largest of the kids landed on his stomach while his brother, and sister-in-law laughed. The landing hurt, it also hurt when he looked at the clock and saw that it was now 5:00 pm, he had slept two hours. He had slept away his free time. Now he had to be the fun uncle again. The very thought caused him to feel exhausted again.
He did not get a rest until about 7:00 pm, due to dinner time, very messy even though it did not seem like any of the kids ate anything. The floor had more food on it then he ate.
He slept like a rock that night. Four kids was a lot of work. Unpaid work.