beyond shattered light
Icy, glistening rain splatters
onto damp, muddy wood
Streams of water flow off
The unstable deck
Wildflowers grow where herbs
Once grew
Squirrels and chipmunks come
And go
A cardinal, a bluejay, and
A robin all fly by
None stop except the dove
Whose home is nestled in a nook
Atop the house
Rays of light peek through
Retreating clouds
I catch a glimpse through drops
Of rain
The light is sparse yet bright
Almost platinum
The wind gusts by
Almost as if it’s demanding my attention
Chimes hanging off a worn and old
Dream catcher sing to the tune
Of the angry wind
I wonder what dreams have been caught…
I inhale the humid earthy and crisp air
I exhale
The sweet fragrance of wet wildflowers
Fills the air
I pause
As I look around and see light as
It’s been dispersed
I look beyond and
I hear birdsongs and crickets harmonize
It feels serene
To have seen
Beyond the shattered light