outbursts of crumpled-up solar lights
I enjoy the ramble of stars against my chaos
hey, if it's already loud,
why not make it louder
why not cause an E x p l o s i o n
between me and the sun
there is always room for a blazing orange
and maroon, copper-filled outbursts,
so in fireworks, color this canvas skin
in flames, paint my tarred soul in crimson and burgundy hues
this chaos of mine
is permanently sewn into these veins, into these fingertips
it is written within my deepest structure,
just because its too far away too see the storms
within the Jupiter's heart with a mundane eye
it does not mean that it is not there,
The Great Red Spot still resides within this heart
on most days in slumber
but on others, growing
getting ready for an E x p l o s i o n