The little mermaid’s bottle.
She pretended to be
Ruler over all the sea
And longed each summer day
To be spent amongst the waves
That doubled as her adoring people
With the power and force of its roar
She then brought out her blue little bucket
As far as she could so that the waves wouldn't cover it.
And sat while her daddy
But remember it's her fantasy
So while her prince made a tail over her legs with the sand.
Once finished her mother
Who was also the queen
Would decorate her tail with the prettiest of things
And as the sun met with the ocean
The royal family sat and remembered the day
The daughter remembered
Her kingdoms glory
The mother remembered
Reading her princess stories
The fathered remembered
Their faces and smile and what made it all worthwhile.
They day was done
And memories were made
To go in the bottle
The princess sent away