Our Fairytale
Once, there was a princess,
She had nothing, in her heart of chaos,
She was kind,
But no one gave her what she was after,
And no one gave her a reason to find herself in the madness,
Amongst the kindness that would follow,
She never imagined herself not hollow,
Of feelings and hopes,
Soon though,
She was found by a simple, cool boy,
Who had fallen in love with her,
The princess gave him a chance, and what happened next,
The details were complexed,
But she became infatuated.
She fell in love with the kind boy,
Who turned out to be a prince of darkness.
He thought that his chance had been missed.
He was lucky,
She was spunky.
They soon became known together,
The princess of Chaos,
And the prince of Darkness.
The more time spent,
Together, the more their love meant.
Their future was bright.
A few years later,
after they shed tears,
they made it better.
Now, they live together, finally,
As king and queen,
But now that they're old,
They're nappy and cranky.
Well, no one's perfect.