True equality is surrounded by the idea of the outcome of ones opportunities and choices.
That's the only way you can ensure different people are happy with their life. Different people will want different things in life. Different goals make them happy.
What makes me happy doesn't even make my closest sister happy, and we're related and we were raised the same! We were treated the same and understand the same references and the same parents, but in the end, our life choices are vastly different.
So, looking at sisters from the same household, how can you expect two people from different households to bow to FORCED equality?
Because that's what (unnamed) people are talking about, yes? Disguising it by calling it "equity" instead.
By forcing fundamentally different people to be equal, you end up with situations like "A Wrinkle In Time". Of course its a blown up imagined version of the fear, but think about it for a moment.
This force is taking over planets in time and space and foceing everyone and everything to be "the same". If you don't agree with "It" then you must be "corrected". Doesn't that sound chillingly familiar and remind you of Mary Poppins for so odd reason?
Not to mention that "It" was called "It". Non-binary and inclusive to ALL so as not to offend anyone.
Can we all agree that as a fantasy book it is still far fetched, but there are some concerning parallels as an anecdote?
Your freedoms only extend until they infringe upon the rights of others. You have choices and opportunities. No one is keeping you where you are at except you.
Make those hard choices.
Make the better of two ill choices...or that third one that no one talks about...
Its your life.
YOU live it.
Its not my job.