The Devilish Den Of The Style Thieves
We've had this sort of challenge before on the Prose but not for a while it seems... Your instructions are to choose one of your favorite fellow Prosers and write a piece imitating their delectable style. I know, it's a bit of a grimy prospect; rubs me the wrong way as well, but just remember; imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Tag your muse at the end of your piece or in the comment section to thank them for inspiring you to greatness.
I call thee great, poetess
She thinks herself of average wit
though none can match the rhymes she’s writ
the words she’s birthed to fill a blank
when standard words were rank and stank
the twists and flips of clever lines
inviting even doltish minds
to tumble down the rabbit hole
and swallow bits of logic whole
or gibberty garbledygook
that makes us laugh and throws a hook
that keeps us riveted reading
following where she is leading
teaching while tickling funny bones
conveyed by feathers never stones
always tries to understand
opposing views are never banned
welcomed, digested, dissected
dissent perhaps but respected
never churlish forever kind
no aspiring writers maligned
a pleasure at any hour
the poems of EstherFlower.