The Beast Within
Panting, pacing, frustration that's my daily struggle
Life as an over thinker requires a stunt double
Head tells me no but my heart says hell yes
Creating a quiet storm inside me filled with endless stress
Full of doubt none of it warranted or needed
Enough to make a girl feel nervous, unwanted and defeated
People pleaser by nature I just can't do right
Did I make the best decision keeps me awake at night
Can't let things go and let the chips fall where they may
Instead I torture myself and let situations continually run on instant replay
Never knowing who's angry or possibly upset by my words and actions
Always worried I will get a negative reaction
Time to stand up for myself,stop self doubting and stand tall
I refuse to sink or let anyone see me fall
I'm gonna start speaking my mind for me and me alone
No more indecisiveness, stop acting like a child you're grown
I'm breaking out of my skin
It's time for you all to meet what's deep down inside me....THE CONQUERER who defeated the beast within
Shannon Redmond