Our Brokenness
I want to be sensitive to your pain but I have become numb instead.
I want to reach out and love you in your brokenness but I am afraid of your splinters cutting into me.
I stay within a comfortable distance
You feel the coldness
From dying embers I refuse to fan.
You say at least you're honest
And acknowledge you need redemption
While I feign strength by feeding on other people's weakness.
Alright, I've stashed my broken pieces
Neatly where they fit together like an unbroken whole
Yours is scattered all over the floor and if I'm not careful
Could wound me so deeply, too,
Making us two deeply wounded people.
Forgive me for being selfish.
Maybe I ought to be braver enough to invade your darkness with some of my light if I am to help you out of it
But I have tried many times and lost strength midway I had to save myself before I drown in your darkness.
Your brokenness breaks me
I watch you struggle and I wish I could understand
But instead, I get mad.
For me, blue is blue and red is red
For you, today's red is tomorrow's blue and the cycle goes on.
I want the colors to fit neatly in the square while you scribble all over and beyond the sides.
You have such kindness and pure intention
Your brokenness makes you tender
My wholeness makes me proud.
I pray I will learn to love you in your brokenness
Like you try to love me in mine.
We really are all broken people.
I'm just a little to proud to show it.