darker brain pattern
skip to the part
where i say
you are my favorite illusion
sounds like a dial-up
modem falling asleep
a narcolepsy of thoughts
becoming simulacra more
each time they wake up.
at 18 bits per second
Stephen Hawking down-
loaded just a few mp3s
of the Universe
dark matter throughout
the P2P. wits flickering
out constellations' shapes, like
an ocean breaks syntax, shimmies
snapshots: vice-verisimilitude.
every asterism, named,
dead-named, re-named,
secularized and transfixed,
comes with an asterisk.
'father, i want to kill you'
said Jim Morrison, said the Romans,
who said it was the Jews;
every bit of crucial fiction
was made into an effigy,
was Aphrodite and Athena,
named, dead-named, re-named
Mary, christian- and homogenized.
skip to the part
where i say
you are my favorite illusion
where poetry is
the shadow
cast by fascists
shadow boxing is
an Olympic sport,
one oppugning him-
self, inside half-rings;
brackets without Ls,
Hegelian syntheses
a genre of synth
played in ballrooms,
arrhythmic beats, achtung cardiacs,
heartbreak waltzing out
of the left ventricle of Germany;
an http for sins (of omission)
daemons sending
endless bits of demons
in frustration-free packets:
the one(s) that won't go
phishing, net zero.
the answer to
"what's in a name?"
changes all the time
skip to the part . . .