Describe an emotion, but make it food related
I'm really really hungry. Therefore, describe any emotion you like, poetry or prose, but make sure to tie it into food!
I remember vaguely, the first time I had ever indevoured to devour. Your sweet scent, your intoxicating taste, one that I will always remember. You hurt me though. Putting so much on my thighs. But I still went back to you, hoping it would change. Never wondering, never questioning why. Then you came to me one evening. When I was very blue. Brown velvet in my mouth, and yes, I knew it had to be you. There are very few times in my life that I can say I was in love. But you were the first one, and above all the only one. You comfort me in bad times, you see me through all the good, and you never judge me, even if you could. I love you.