Oath of the French Republic: “The French Pledge of Allegiance”
We, the people, are sick of this monarchy,
It feels as if we are under an anarchy.
With violent turmoil and political division,
Revolution is our only decision.
We can be strong and bold like the Romans against their enemy,
Fighting back against the authorities is the path to a remedy.
The women and children may hide in fear and weep,
But in the end, success and happiness is what we will reap.
This is our moment, our opportunity, to take a stance,
To unite all the people for a better France.
With our swords in the air and heads up high,
We will fight for a democracy till the day we die.
So if you the people are in complaint and have a grievance,
I want you to recite this pledge of allegiance.
You can help for the good of the people and the well being of our nation,
It is crucial for our children who will lead the next generation.
Let’s take a stand and rebel, because we have a choice,
To either stay quiet or use our voice.
Let’s fight for our right to liberty, equality, and fraternity,
So the prosperity of our nation can last for an eternity.