Faith Healer
A tiny bird is perched in my hands, one wing decidedly at a weird angle from a collision with the neighbor's window.
I close my eyes and concentrate. The bird does not move. I feel the soft heartbeat below the crumpled feathers grow fainter. I tune in to the bird's pain and fear, my heart rate increasing, my pulse quickening.
Breathe. Slowly. Quiet the parade of negative thoughts.
I have the ability to heal sick and injured animals--only animals, not humans. For some reason my healing skills cross all species, but exclude homo sapiens.
I can only use my powers, however, when I believe that I can. And, sometimes, doubt interferes with my abilities.
I can also only use my powers while the animal is still alive. Once an animal dies, I cannot resurrect them, a la Lazarus raised from the tomb.
Therefore, I have a finite period of time to save the life that is dependent upon my own self-confidence.
Unfortunately, I often can't muster the aplomb to save suffering kittens and damaged piglets.
This is when I abuse my powers by thinking I am unworthy and further confirming those thoughts when the animal dies.
Not today.
The bird moves against my fingers.
I toss the fragile body into the sky, wings catching a breeze that carries the bird confidently away from me.