Is that what you said you want
Cant’ you see that I’m busy, Please do not bother me with such nonsense
Fine if you are not going to leave tell me what kind of power do you want
The power to do what you want when you want
Not to be controlled by the media and swayed depending on the narrative
You want to escape the matrix that gives you power huh
Well you either been watching to many movies or too much Andrew Tate
Either can get you in trouble if you believe to deep
But fine I can give you the answer to obtain the power that you want
There are two ways to obtain it, you are not equip to do either
The first way Tate is actually right about
Money obtain enough money where the rules don’t apply to you
It doesn’t matter how you obtain it drugs, stealing, business, off the backs of slaves in other countries
Once you obtain a certain amount of wealth the way you obtained it stops mattering
This way is slow and takes a lot of effort
So here’s an easier way for you, give up everything
Quit your job, sell all possessions, give away all your money, cut off all your connections
Do that and you’ll get the power you want.
I know what your thinking how will give you power
You see being ultra wealthy or extremely poor is the same type of power
The power is the same, the lifestyle is different
The wealthy can go where they want, be who they want, the freedom of choice
The misfits of the population can do the same
No one pays attention to the dirt on the street
Youd be free to move how you want, be who you want, it’s the freedom of choice
Think hard about the difference, besides the material things it’s the same
I don’t have the time to explain it to you
Because see you imagine a certain lifestyle that comes with power
But that lifestyle is not power it’s only a possible byproduct of power
The one thing you can never to with you want to obtain power is
To confuse money with power, those things are not interchangeable
You may have money, but that does not mean you have power
Often it’s the opposite the more money you have the less power you have over your life
Sure there’s some billionaires who have money and power
But think of the majority of those with money
The influencers, the actors, the singers, athletes, etc……
What power do they hold, they can’t go where they want, they can’t say what they want, they can’t step out line
OR poof everything’s gone
That’s not power, it’s just a nice form of slavery
A slave to the people
A slave to one master or a slave to a million masters, is still the same slave
So if you want power, THEN STRIVE FOR POWER
Money come and go, people come and go, but power once you obtain it and understand how to obtain it
That stays Forever
Socrates was one of the most powerful philosphophers ever and extremely poor
Yet people followed him, because power isn’t conveyed by what you see
It’s conveyed by what you can make the people FEEL
So go let me see what POWER you can obtain