Good, Healthy Self-care
" Maybe all you need is to take some time for a good, healthy self-care"
" But I can't afford that in the meanwhile."
" What do you want to afford ?"
" A good spa day, holiday in an elegant hotel with a nice view and swimming pool, luxury shopping and a promising dinner in a fancy restaurant.
" That is not self-care. That's pampering."
"So what did you mean by "self-care"?"
" Self-care is a necessity. Pampering is luxury. Sometimes pampering is self-care but most times its settings boundaries. Learning to say "no" when you mean it. Talking to yourself with kind words. Knowing that you had enough and leaving the places and people. Saying yes to things you leave eating or doing and don't be ashamed or feeling it's a waste of time. As long as it makes you happy, it isn't a waste. Discovering what you need and doing it. "