Why are two wired?
What could a phone voice be hiding?
I inquired within.
And my face sprouted a magnificent grin.
Blushing I was thinking. Now we’re do I begin?
My first forays into telecommunication I’d yet to grow any voice of my own. And just repeated what I was told.
My first recollection of speaking in such a manner my inflections differed? I was 13 years old. My phone voice tried its best to hide my visible fear and plethora of insecurities.
But untested as it was I kept the conversation short.
Introductions and niceties. Before offering to be her date. Left in limbo. That is a moment I’ve never learned not to hate. A yes goes a long way in bettering the mood. A No and you can’t excuse yourself quick enough. Trying to laugh off and hide how hard of hit your ego just had to take. Hang up quickly. God forbid you still find yourself in the friend zone. You hope they’ll never know how much it hurts. If you ever cared for them at all.
"If you’d like to make a call. Hide your hang ups and dial again"