There is a deeply rooted need within my soul
A longing for something of creative sustenance
To fill the void created by the residing ache
That permeates throughout my being
I thirst for so much more than what is tangible
The ever encroaching desire and need
Wraps me in a thinly guised veil of longing
With no foreseeable end in sight
The universe laughs, taunts, and mocks me
Telling me my thirst may never be slaked
Nor shall my deep desires be quenched
Despite the many years I walk upon this earth
Oh let me see all I can see with eyes wide open
Whilst my heart is fully ready to embrace the beauty
Don’t make me wait for manifested dreams
But feed me hope with every breath I breathe
Pray, let me soar above the mountains
And partake of all I can to sustain my soul
As I embark upon the paths yet unknown
Until at long last, I take my final bow