I’ll never again
waste my love on one who doesn’t want me.
I’ll shine my light
and if someone shines it back like a mirror
we’ll embrace in our shared spirit
and walk like lions to the beat of our hearts.
I’ll never again
look for love in dark alleys and basements,
settle for the ghosts I find
and stay stuck in prisons,
chained starving to walls
because I long for freedom,
open plains and expansive oceans,
the shining light of the sun’s rays
spreading the love that lives within us all.
If I ever wander into a dead end
I’ll never again spend too much time there.
I’ll turn and leave
towards the highway to the unknown future,
lined with evergreens,
mountains rising in the distance like mammoth shadows,
a whole world opening before my eyes
with the colors of the rainbow and flowers
and the pinks, yellows, and oranges of a distant sunset.