Word Play - NOT taking on the Weight of the New Year
Please use the following: plan, weight, drunk, hang, over, rolls, blubber, binge, shake, fail but the your entry CANNOT in any way refer to weight loss or the New Year
The WEIGHT of my actions are too hard to bear. How could I? My PLAN was to get everyone what they wanted, not give them everything! I bought gifts like a DRUNK man! My spending is way OVER the limit; I may have to return things. But I have a lot of money. My idea to not spend too much was a FAIL, and I may have done a light BINGE of shopping, but the loss of money will not make buying ROLLS or gaining BLUBBER any harder. In fact, I think this is a good thing. Instead of saying "oh woe is me" I'm going to HANG out at the toy donations until every gift is sent. I will make every dog or cat SHAKE their tail with treats. And that can be a Christmas tradition.