Word Play - NOT taking on the Weight of the New Year
Please use the following: plan, weight, drunk, hang, over, rolls, blubber, binge, shake, fail but the your entry CANNOT in any way refer to weight loss or the New Year
I always have a plan
because making decisions is too much weight
to place on my shoulders and mind
I've drunk water
but not enough
and once again my throat's dry
wanna hang out? come over, please,
so I can isolate myself in your presence
and feel more disconnected than ever
If I could only eat those little crescent bread rolls
and chocolate and pieces of cake
and read novels forever
but my body needs more
and it would all be better if I could make myself
cry ugly, blubber messy on the floor
I binge on distraction
to forget the nothingness
and that's the only reason I want more
just to stop the wanting
so I shake my hands and sigh and fail
and it's not enough