Fears of aging
Words evade me, wrestling
from my grasp
and then float as if taunting,
calling me to chase
They have been silent
for so long I hardly
recognize my old friends
its as if a curtain has drawn
closing off the light
as they mull around
waiting for their turn
at my pen’s tip, waiting to matter
but this curtain, scares me
because the the words have
always found a way
to break through
This black curtain seeps
into my daily life
and words that used to come
so freely in speech
Are starting to escape
as I speak and ideas
have been muddled
to the black goo
of age and memories
of loves and lovers
are slipping from memory
and with no escape
from darkness as I wake
and sit with my coffee
in the morning looking
and hoping that at least
the words will come
with the daybreak
and rescue me from
my fears of age