lost sailor
please don't wash up on my shore
my heart's not haunted anymore
i threw those love songs to the sea
so don't you dare return to me
please don't anchor in my bay
darling, you could never stay
and i don't want to sink back in
those blue eyes i lost way back when
so please don't settle in my port
i have found a different sort
the kind of love that's evergreen
the kind not afraid to be seen
so please, enjoy the sea
you always longed so, to be free
but don't touch back to land
you made your choice.
i'll make my stand.
i'm not standing on the dock
with your picture in a locket
i'm not waiting on that shore
for a lost sailor anymore
so please don't step onto my sand
as if you'll ever understand
you broke me into fragments, dear
he picked them up and held them near
so i will settle in his bed
and wash you clean out of my head
enjoy the view at sea, my dear
as i enjoy mine laying here