Rate Your Pain
Well, it's a little stabby in the chest area. About a 7.5 right now.
In my ankle - that's a shooting, constant ache. A solid 8.
In my knee it's simultaneously subsiding and being exacerbated. The skin wound is a 4 now but the possible internal damage is at a 5.5, increasing to a 6 when I go up the stairs. Or down.
In my brain it's fiery and just...pressure...so much pressure. If my brain implodes, I really hope someone gets it on camera. It would be so epic, really. But I'm writing so...the pain is subsiding. Such an amazing thing...these words pour out like tears and the relief comes in a wave and probably this is how I learned to type without looking at the keys because hardly can I see through all these tears...
And just like that, my brain is at a 1. With my brain at a 1, the rest of my pain all goes down at least one point. Funny how that works too. But right now, I will ponder nothing more. I will just enjoy the break from the pain.
How does yours rate?