the moon, the woman
The wind screams my names
while de cave echoes
my heart aches
questions flow
unknowingly I go
What am I?
I asked
the wind flew
letting me unrest
"You're the moon"
I hear
from far around I saw
a cloud coming soon
"Am I?"
I said
the cloud
Oh, the cloud
beautifully standing
Walked to me
with small words
I hear softly
A name unknown
My ears feel
to the ground, I felt
the pain
of my heart
it said
I replied
I heard
I felt
"You're the moon"
my heart stopped
"Why am I?"
I asked
"You're the moon"
It repeated
"Am I?"
"You are!"
so, I'm the moon
so, I fly around
so, that's me
so, I sat
one question I asked
"What's a woman?"
it murmured
"Wasn't I the moon?"
"You are"
so, a woman is me
the moon is me
am I both?
am I one?
I am the moon
I am a woman
soon I noticed
through my eyes of gold
what I was meant to know
they are the same
and I am one