Prose Challenge of the Week #20: Write a three sentence story about desire. The winner will be chosen based on a number of criteria, this includes: fire, form, and creative edge. Number of reads, bookmarks, and shares will also be taken into consideration. The winner will receive $100. When sharing to Twitter, please use the hashtag #ProseChallenge
I'm awaiting the chronic chime of midday to surge through my entire body with its tormenting vibrations and dutiful oscillations; a child's explosive laughter erupts from my cracked window and echoes in a newly encountered silence, bouncing like a pinball from all corners of a beckoning, clear sky.
In those first seven seconds, I felt my bursting heart lift above the unearthed pine trees, settling on top of the bell tower.
And I know that if I'd just grabbed my jacket and ran down the stairs, I could've joined the boy in all his infinite wisdom.