Curiosity did not kill the Cat.
Curiosity did not kill the cat. Instead, it led the cat to discover gravity, take pictures of black holes, split atoms into quarks, and recently, teach AI to write college-grade essays. Yes, Dear Reader, that is what I consider the central principle of my everyday life.
It is curiosity that makes me get out of bed, meet new people, read more books, get into discussions, and go to sleep knowing I have done something worthwhile. I am never satisfied with my course books because I always want to know more about the things I study almost as badly as the cat wants belly rubs.
Without these essential belly rubs, life is akin to an NPC that follows a preprogrammed lifestyle. That is why I am always on the lookout for mysteries to pursue, unanswerable questions to ponder, obstacles to overcome, and anything that ignites the curiosity of the cat within me.