awful variation op. 17
don't judge a crook by its cover
when judging covers, if first you dont succeed, book book again.
judge a Don't by covering its book.
don't blow a judge's cover, Bookie.
Booker don't judge. he just covers up the mess.
"by thy cover i will know thee" (book of Judges, ch. III, l. 21
you can stretch the judge's skin over the book, but it makes a messy dust jacket.
don't judge an adaptation by its book.
let he who is without a cover, judge the first book.
you don't bring a book to a gunfight, you bring Judge Dread and take cover.
judge an ex-president by his cover, not his "book".
you can lead a book to cover, but you can't make it judge.
passing judgment is like passing gas, there are plenty of 'don't's and 'boo's but there is no cover.
don't judge a manhole by its cover.
cover me, oh, cover, don't judge me by my book.
no use closing the book cover, after judges ran out.
don't 'judge' a Brooke under the cover.
the book "the cover Don Judganni" is about being yourself.