So the Leaf Falls
Tim sat on the bench in the middle of Autumn. The sky was a bright blue, and the leaves were a mixed collage of reds, yellows, and misplaced greens. He sat on a bench alone, watching different people walk by, with differently colored clothes and different gadgets. They all looked like they were in their own little world. However, Tim noticed that there was no one walking by these individual's sides. They walked alone, and when they would approach one another, they would avoid each other. The analogies were all to common to make.
Tim sat on the bench in the middle of Autumn. The clothes he wore were exclusive to his generation. One could never find it anywhere from any retailer. He wore a gray button down shirt, a black belt, shoes, socks, and pants. He also wore a gray hat, and a gray coat. His spectacles had a blue rim to represent the tears.
My children left and didn't look back. My wife left me without saying goodbye. All my friends are gone. I have this world left.
Tim sat on the bench in the middle of Autumn. He closed his eyes, hoping to die. He never did. He wondered if he was in hell. If he was, it was a strange one. It was slow, but it only burned his insides, not with a fire, but with reality.
Tim opened his eyes on the bench in the middle of Autumn. He saw the leaf fall. The leaves die, but why can't I? This world isn't mine. Why can't I be a dead leaf? Why can't I just fall and become apart of the Earth? Does this world not want me? Then why doesn't it want to get rid of me?
Tim sat alone on a bench in the middle of the world. A world that wouldn't take him in.