Prose Challenge of the Week #22: Write about your nightmares. Minimum 10 word - Maximum 250 words. The winner will be chosen based on a number of criteria, this includes: fire, form, and creative edge. Number of reads, bookmarks, and shares will also be taken into consideration. The winner will receive $100. When sharing to Twitter, please use the hashtag #ProseChallenge
Whoever said that nightmares can only happen in your sleep is wrong.
Because you can only sleep for so long.
But in the daytime, anything can happen, and this time, the storyline is no longer limited to your imagination.
Hitler's dream?
A Jew's nightmare.
Oppenheimer's speedy solution?
Unimaginable suffering.
Fear, true fear, can only happen when anything can happen.
Nightmares are forgotten, but it's the things that keep you awake at night that are the nightmares, not the other way around.