le sigh
These days, the vast majority of anything could ever learn or want to learn is on the internet, readily available. A notable number of millionaires and billionaires are college and even high school dropouts. Know this, I, like a dumb-dumb, still went to college to learn what I could and should have learn on the computer. I was already published while I was in school, AND I STILL KEEP PURSUING. This is the story, albeit brief, of how I didn’t make a bad decision…
In high school, as I work on what will be my first and third books, Boy from the Clouds and the Son of Hades, respectively, I also train to be an electrician. After hours of on-the-job tutelage, with the skill and knowledge of an electrician, I now make $40,000 on a slow year. My skills are something I can take ANYWHERE, working for someone or doing a solo gig. I am now well-off and happily writing for the entertainment of the masses.
The End