Prose Challenge of the Week #22: Write about your nightmares. Minimum 10 word - Maximum 250 words. The winner will be chosen based on a number of criteria, this includes: fire, form, and creative edge. Number of reads, bookmarks, and shares will also be taken into consideration. The winner will receive $100. When sharing to Twitter, please use the hashtag #ProseChallenge
Manic mission
I dreamed of outer space, until the midnight, when that space was inside me. Slowly crumbling, slowly fading away. Your little black eyes. And your dark body full of light. I saw you from another person's eyes. You were strange and insecure. You were everything you never wanted to be. Demure and furtive. Through those eyes I saw you cry, I saw your pain and it brought back mine. I was bleeding and losing my ambition. Falling inside your arms, she closed her eyes and I lost my sight. I lost my mind. I know that when you stop playing with her tongue, you'll leave at your own speed to another manic mission. And I, I will stay here, wondering why weren't we able to see the sings that would brought us back together.