Help answer one of Philosophy's greatest questions: Is a person truly himself if he is subject to change?
for example: are you truly the same person before a meal as after you've finished? if so, are you to be required to pay the tab? how about the food? it too, underwent rapid changes and is certainly not as it was delivered...
Being “Is” Becoming “Becomes”
It is not a question of being, but of becoming. A person never “is” on his own because he is ALWAYS growing and changing to a new being, but that new being is also just a changing step. A person is rather “becoming” something new on the way to ultimate end. You never step in the same river twice, you never see the same person twice—but the river is still the river and the person is still the person. You are still you, not your neighbor. But you are always growing into something new and better—becoming what you were always meant to be.