It's about the aesthetic. The way the angles elbow into one another, in the illusion of "Greater Than versus Greater Than..."
But of course, there is too, the importance of the Number 7 in my personal histoire and in the Universal. Representing fulfillment, and bearing significance in most every spiritual persuasion, the figure is consistently considered Lucky.
In psychology 7 is the Magic Number of things typically stored in our short term memory...
The number is also associated with Venus, the Planet of Love. And Biblically 7 represents the unity of the Holy Trinity with the four corners of the Earth, and of course, the day of Rest.
V is no less compelling to me.
In Law, v is vie between the Plaintiff and the Defendant... Winged like the silhouette of an indescript bird, v is the symbol of creativity, victory, and birth. While noted as a Feminine form, it connotes creative sparing, the vulnerability of teamwork; indeed Life itself. (Like in the French: C'est la Vie!)
I see it as an ephemeral mark of unifying balance... Oddly, it is the center point of my real given name, and does not actually exist in the alphabet of my parents native tongue.
But again, in sum, 7v7 is about the graphic aesthetic. Arresting the eye momentarily, then rolling off the lips with simplicity and poetic ease as Seven v Seven.
Your Name...? Challenge @H1