My Living Nightmare
His lips were soft as they brushed sweetly against mine. I could feel his breath tickle my skin as I curled in close to him. His big arms wrapped around me tightly, pulling me in closely. He whispered in my ear "I love you. I love you so much." I could feel my chest tightening, my cheeks hurting from this never ending smile. I look deep into his brown eyes and tell him how much j love him back. I see a smile stream across his face just before we kiss again. We laid there on my bed together, just enjoying the heavenly moment, but then I began to hear a buzzing sound.
My alarm.
I awake and he's not there. The bed I empty, cold. Reality hits me like a ton of bricks, he dumped me last month. The joy in my heart sinks and a chill crawls through my skin. I can still hear him saying my name and how much he loves me. My eyes begin to sting from my tears welling up. I can't stop the pain I feel ripping me apart from the inside out. I grip my pillow tightly and still feel him from my dream. I wale loudly into my pillow and cry because he's still in my dreams every night which is my only escape from this living nightmare.