Spelling Test #10
This is the tenth in a series of challenges based on spelling test words from grade school. Please highlight, italicize or otherwise emphasize them in your writing. All forms of the word are welcome.
Here is your list: pyramid, quotient, fright, absorb, fossil, glacier, habit, similar, bleak, balcony, similar, helicopter, slumber, harsh, jellyfish, chipmunk, stare, march, crumple , typical. Poem or Prose it doesn't matter.
The HABIT of Greed
A FRIGHTful reality these conquests of man. Hiding away history whenever he can. Like a CHIPMUNK whose cheeks are a cache, more a store, the conqueror’s ABSORBed by riches and SIMILAR lore. He‘s a JELLYFISH, spineless as never before. He will MARCH from the valley of PYRAMIDS of kings to CRUMPLE the GLACIER’s long and deep freeze. The future is BLEAK lest we‘re HARSH… towards thieves there are plenty. History’s FOSSILS, QUOTIENTs quash, as thieves sell for money. We can STARE, SLUMBER there, a TYPICAL reaction…or hover, HELICOPTERS of action, announcing from BALCONies our great dissatisfaction.