slippery slippery slope
slippery slippery slope
I just keep sliding
this ground like soap
I can't keep slipping
I continuously mope
on this slippery slippery slope
I am but tied to a rope
I'm on hard ground
and I see you
in this soft thick forest
I'm close to you
I'm with you
and yet I say nothing
slippery slippery-- nope
I'm here and it's now
there's no more waiting
and there is no rope
I can't keep sliding
this ground like soap
slippery slipper--
I only see you once a week
and now you're in front of me
you're my goal
but fear is in the way
slippery slippery slope
I'll sit on a log and mope
hard ground,
I'm better than this.
I might die tomorrow
so I'll get you now
but all this sorrow
is stopping me
and I'm just sliding down
this slippery slippery slope.
Tell me--
what am I waiting for?
what greater time than now?
to its deepest end,
life is at most a single moment
a slippery slippery slope
nothing more than what I wrote
all I can do to keep from falling
is clinging to your shoulder
grabbing onto your hand
and asking what your name is
what's your favorite band?
whatever it is, just say it
life is at most a single moment
this slippery slippery slope
and if I would only talk to you
just that would give me hope.