Yes. That's what I want to do. I know the request doesn't completely change the history of the world but, that's the point. Yes, I know I only have one chance to go back. Yes, I understand that I could undo any one of the world wars. Yes, I know I could prevent millions of lives lost. YES! I understand I could do so much more. It's just... if I undo any one of those events... I would be where I am now. WE wouldn't be here. Not only does my small decision let "future" me make bigger choices, it also just benefits me now. So, yes, I want to go back to June 13, 2018.
It was my birthday. The worst birthday I've ever had in fact. I was just becoming a teen. That morning I awoke in extreme pain, emotional and physical. Momma had left for great-grandma's funeral and my legs decided to not help me. I was alone in the house, legs in excruciating pain, and yet, I still had to go to school. Walk to school, 2 miles away.
Professor, please send me back. I want to tell my great-grandma to hold on a bit longer. I want to set medicine by my bed, ready for pain. I just wanted to have a good day. I don't want a day to still haunt me years later. So, yes, send me back for my selfish desires.