A not-so-trivial pursuit.
Our beloved community members,
This may come up as a question on Jeopardy! someday, so listen closely: "Festivus" is a parody holiday involving feats of strength, airing grievances, and rejecting commercialism. It occurs on the 23rd of December, just before Christmas, and was made popular by the American hit television series "Seinfeld."
Since inception of Prose, we've had the distinct privilege of being a part of many of your holiday traditions and frustrations, your lyrical highs and lows, from Halloween to Thanksgiving and everything in between. Your collective challenge creations are better than any we could have ever imagined, and they're always on the cultural cutting-edge.
(More information on challenges will be released soon.)
It is you, our readers and writers, that bring out the best in Prose. So if you're on other social media applications please let us know. It's important that you be credited (or "tagged") for your work here. We'd like to further extend our support by featuring the talent you bring to this bountiful table as we encourage others to gather round it.
There are more of us out there in the vast, fast-paced, every-man-for-himself world of clicking and crawling across keyboards and touchscreens. People looking for inspiration, something meaningful and encouraging, with the potential to change their literary lives... Right?
As always, it's free to give your friends and colleagues the gift of Prose. By 'liking' us on Facebook (FB.com/TheProseApp) following our quips on Twitter (@TheProseApp) and sharing in the love for writing-infused imagery on Instagram (@theproseapp), you'll be helping to bring our community to the world in full-circle fashion.
Did you know that the current version of Prose for iOS allows you to share posts directly from the mobile app to your Facebook timeline? We'll keep working on additional share features, privacy and editing preferences, as well as more informed descriptions of the Prose structure. Look for related updates here and, periodically, by email.
Thank you for playing an integral role in building this community. We're excited to see more of your work and look forward to hearing from you.