Vacation destination. Write a piece, poem preferred, but anything is fine, about the ideal vacation destination. There are rules. No naming the destination, no use of the following words: paradise, vacation, holiday, sunny, wet, tropical, fun, beach, hot or cold, sun, snow, swim, tan. Get the idea? Try slightly obscure, nothing too obvious. Show me where you want to go and paint me a picture with your words of what you want to do when you get there. I will try one too. Tag me.
Equanimous Lull
Floating amidst nothingness,
Soaring through emptiness,
Alone, and quiet, and relaxed and slightly drowsy.
Free from others, free from work,
A paradise where no responsibilities may lurk,
A fugitive, an escapee, a runaway from all that's lousy.
An absence of rules and obligations,
Devoid of any harmful sensations,
Peace and warmth, cosiness and fire.
Nothing I could cherish more than this time,
Atop this serene mountain that none can climb,
Sacred island, safe haven from which I retire.