His Berkeley hat pulled down low, my virgin eyes failed, but never did my intuition, so what good is intuition at such a young age- when you don't learn the world is an evil place just yet? I felt panic, but I put on a brave face. Liquid courage he brought, and poured me a drink. Green apple Smirnoff, the smell still finds me every now then and punches me right back to this night. One drink he pours, a shy smirk on his face. No stranger to shots, So I take. Dizzy spinning my head, his eyes narrow to my neck. A shot poured again, this time he turns and I can't see. "No drink for you?" I say..He hands me the next. I shoot. Wayward world, what is this? Spinning floors and heat to my face... A darkened blackness closing in on my view, clouded mind and altogether- silence. World stopped. Fade to black.
Pound - pound - pound
Goes my pulse through my head - my body, being thrust up and down without my consent. I look up, and no focus can be made. His dark shadow on me, hands dug into waist. Tears they stroll down my young and pretty face - I scream no, but he had just went and did it... He's hurting, he's in me, when and how? Where is my mind, lord please not this ..He claimed me his with one last thrust, dear God where are you? In such a drugged state I see my moms face, and I ask where is my dad to avenge and rescue? What world is this!? I muster a scream and kick, my head detached from my body, as he loads up his dick. I stumble, I cry, naked and he's just had it all. . . I've been drugged, can't run, it's been done..so I fall.