Who am I?
Hello! My name is Drake C. Dyer and I am seventeen---almost eighteen---years old and a senior in high school. I first discovered my love for writing in 2015 at the age of ten when I read my first Stephen King novel: Christine. After I read it, I tried to spend the majority of the summer practicing writing poems, flash fiction, and anything else I could write. After about a year, I decided that I wanted to be a writer, but I didn't feel that I had the potential to make a difference in the simplicity of my writing; the sheer immensity of the idea of writing the next Great American Novel was such a dream, that it almost seemed impossible. In 2019, I started a novel called The Grey Affliction, which I didn't finish; it now sits in my desk drawer, collecting dust. After COVID, I really had the urge to write, and that's exactly what I did...Between February 2021 to March 2022, I wrote and completed my first book, "4:46 P.M: A Collection of Short Stories," which gave me the opportunity to finally share my words to the world in the way I wanted. September of last year, I started a project that was supposed to be a short story, but turned out to be the beginning of my very first novel called "Only Alice Knows Me," which was released less than two months ago on Amazon for $15.99. Now, I am very close to finishing my third book---another collection of short stories---called "Senioritis," which are stories, poems, and other writings that I have completed during my senior year of high school. I've always loved writing, reading, watching football, baseball, hockey, listening to music, watching old movies, and driving with my friends. I am attending the University of Tennessee in Knoxville studying finance and hope to write professionally, part-time, and built up enough financial security to support my family. Writing is the true love of my life, although we have a love-hate relationship that's lasted about eight years, I still am honored to have their presence in my life.