An Author’s Regret
Wit woven and intermittent on paper
Hours owning a prickling pen in hand
Revision, re-take, rewrite - time wasted on how to shape "her"
The missing masterpiece, the babbling baby, the dark demand.
Hours owning a prickling pen in hand
Unreal voices vexing me - understand?
The missing masterpiece, the babbling baby, the dark demand
Threatens to overthrow my complacently creative mentally limp land.
Unreal voices vexing me - understand
Driving and dribbling me ballsy 'cross court; pressure and pain - insane
Threatens to overthrow my complacently creative mentally limp land
Uncouthly killing my deep desire to do what I love because I can.
I push past pressure and pain.
Wit woven and intermittent on paper
My wife, The Pen, I go now to rape her
Revision, re-take, rewrite - time wasted on how to shape her.