How do you write? What inspires you? Do you have to be alone? Do you write in the middle of the night? Are you an early bird? I want to know what the writing process is for you? Fascinate me by telling me how the words come to you! I know you have a story! We all do! Let's make it interesting and do it in a poem! Of course, that's just a preference, anything you're comfortable with. I just want to know your creative process. I will do one too! Don't forget to tag me! At least 50 words!
Working the Loom
Music can paint words in my mind,
Not lyrics, for Classical is often the best when writing;
But wonderful stories and scenes.
A soaring eagle over the half-scorched Sahel,
A quiet quartet playing for two,
After the hundreds of guests have left,
Rocking back and forth against each other,
Feeling without trying.
Just as easily, sometimes,
The words come to me.
Yet others, the words are hard to pull from my mind.
They begin, like the tip of an iceberg,
Poking its icy head above the arctic waves,
But the other words remain buried in the cold depths of my id,
Tangible, but just out of reach.