The Homeless of the Political Right
Unlike the “isms” of philosophy, conservative beliefs lack coherence. However, certain themes are commonly held.
First is having no faith in human nature, expecting that best intentions will founder on selfishness, greed and stupidity. Preserving what worked before, they don't invent utopias. A respect for history, proven institutions are kept while knowing these must slowly change. Let me explain.
Conservatives always value family structure, if not traditional structure. They still want children raised by loving parents in a stable home, however now defined. With little time for state intervention, they distrust experts, knowing the world is replete bad social engineering.
They also think that given a chance, people take pride in ownership, working hard to invest in homes and businesses. They would reward such efforts, the person able to keep what s/he's earned, secure from both crime and the state. That means a belief in law and order, the sanctity of common law rights, free expression, the creative power of the individual, and consensus. It's about human dignity.
And because they value a person's efforts, conservatives accept hierarchies as both inevitable and valuable, but with two provisos. These hierarchies are expected to be fluid and open, not class and cronies. Also, those who benefit have a duty of care for others. Conservatives endorse the Ten Commandments, meaning that many are religious, willingly supporting charities as well as endowing universities and hospitals.
Sadly, too many among them fail to meet these lofty ideals. Self-interest still rules among their ranks as it does with everyone else. Their saving grace is never forgetting that good intentions can lead to hell, the cure being worse than the disease.