I, the Beloved
That particular night remains crystal clear In My memory. on The evening of The Last Supper, Jesus convened with His followers for a concluding feast prior to His apprehension. Along with My fellow apostles, I was present and attentively listening as Jesus discussed His forthcoming demise.
Following dinner, we proceeded to The Garden of Gethsemane for a session of prayer. It was at That moment That The soldiers appeared with The intention of detaining Jesus. I observed Judas, who was part of our group, as He used a kiss to betray him. The Jewish council, known as The Sanhedrin, took custody of Jesus to conduct His trial.
I kept My distance, observing Jesus being interrogated by The high priest from The concealment of The shadows. He was charged with blasphemy which caused Jesus to feel distressed and anguished as He attempted to justify himself. In due course, they resolved to transport him to Pontius Pilate who held office as The governor of Rome.
I observed Pilate from afar as He interrogated Jesus, attempting to ascertain if He had committed any offense. Pilate was unable to identify any wrongdoing In him, and He even suggested setting him free. The populace made an outcry to set Barabbas, a well-known lawbreaker, free.instead.
The words ringing In My ears were difficult to accept, as The crowd demanded The crucifixion of Jesus. In order to prevent a disturbance, Pilate instructed for Jesus to be scourged and subsequently conveyed for execution on The cross. My eyes witnessed The cruel spectacle of Jesus being disrobed and subjected to physical abuse, His skin lacerated by The lash.
Silently shedding tears, I walked behind him while He was compelled to bear His own cross.to The location designated for His execution. His seven final utterances were audible to me and they left a profound impact on My emotions.
O Father, pardon them as they are unaware of their actions.
"Today, I promise That you shall accompany me to a peaceful paradise."
"Dear woman, take a look at your offspring." Observe and recognize The woman who brought you into The world as your mother.
"Why am I abandoned by you, My Lord?"
"I am In need of hydration." (I AM THIRSTY) He was a man here. He took the form of a man to save us
The task has come to an end.
Dear father, I entrust My spirit In your care.
As The outcome, Jesus was affixed to The crucifix, and I observed In dreadful shock as He dangled there, His vitality gradually fading. However, I was aware That The conclusion had not been reached yet. Despite witnessing Jesus' death, I held onto The belief He had previously expressed about His resurrection.
As promised, He resurrected after a period of three days. Elation and amazement overflowed within me as I comprehended That My Lord and Redeemer had triumphed over mortality and bestowed upon us The boon of never-ending existence.