Confession of a Discord Lurker
I’m okay at jumping rope. I will stumble only occasionally and smack the rope against my shins only every ten jumps or so. As a quiet introvert, I manage okay on my own.
However, trying to interact with others is like double Dutch. My timing is forever off, and worse, I am terribly uncoordinated. I hesitate, overthink, and falter. By the time I realize it’s time to make my move, the moment has passed. I stand nearby, flinching awkwardly and cursing myself internally.
I am painfully aware of my weirdness, but incapable of overcoming it enough to contribute in any meaningful fashion. So I will continue to lurk in the background, marveling at the incredible feats before me via Discord writer collaborations.
Yes, I rarely participate more than an oddly-timed phrase on even the general channel. I’m aware, my friend. But trust me, I’m trying-- I really am. Perhaps one day, I will jump in and I will somehow manage to remain on my feet. That’s my goal: double Dutch competence.